The list of very important transaction codes for client administration
Resource Requirements :-
• Copying clients requires large amount of system resources
• To avoid any bottlenecks we should ensure that there is enough resources available by considering the following
1) DB Storage Space
2) Perform a test run before copying a client.
Q) Why do we need to perform a test run?
A) Test run determines which tables are to be changed.
Q) What is the amount of storage space a client will occupy?
A) A client without application data needs approximately 150-200 MB of storage space in a DB
Q) Why do we need to do client copy?
A) To create new clients.
Note: New clients are based on SAP reference client 000 when the R/3 system was first implemented. The new clients are Training, Demo, Test and Production Clients.
Note: It is strongly recommended when doing client copy to use the profile SAP_CUST.
Q) Do we need to transport clients between systems (or) what is the procedure for copying clients between systems?
A) We no longer require to transport clients instead we make a remote client copy.
When copying clients you can select the data that you want to transfer from source to target client.
Various Types of data are as follows
a) User Master Data: We select this option only if we want to copy all the users of an existing client with same authorizations into target client.
b) Client Specific Customizing: We select this option if you want to setup a new client in an existing system.
c) Client Specific Customizing and Master/Transaction data: We select this option if we want to setup a test client i.e. identical to the production client in the same system.
d) Client Specific and Cross Client Customizing: We select this option if we want to setup a quality Assurance system based in the production client of another system.
e) Client Specific and Cross Client Customizing and Master/Transaction Data: This option is selected to setup a test client based on production client of another system.
Note: When a client copy process is completed the client copy tool automatically generates all ABAP dictionary objects that we created as a result of a generation process.
Background Processing: We can copy clients either online or in background.
Q) SAP recommends scheduling client copies as background jobs. Why?
• During client copy we must ensure that no users logs on to system (Source Client)
• Users already working in target client cannot be locked automatically before the client copy starts and we must ensure that they leave the system.
• In source client we can lock the users.
Note: In normal situations for some technical reasons we should not lock users in source client. Eg: Production client.
• If the source client is production client, this may lead to inconsistency if users are not logged off. To avoid inconsistencies, the related tables are copied together with other tables.
• During client copy large volumes of data is transferred and hence it may take several hours for which we need dialog processes.
Note: Client copy tool generally uses minimum of 2-dialog work process even if you start in background.
• Before performing a client copy set the profile parameter MAX_WPRUN_TIME and it is recommended to set for 30 minutes.
Q) Why should we not transport the client data?
A) this is explained with the help of a scenario. In target system, we have set up clients whose data must not be affected. The cross client data must not be imported into the system from outside, since the cross client data overwrites existing data so that customizing data of other clients in the target system no longer effects.
• For client transports RFC connection should be established between the systems.
Copy Profiles
For copying clients R/3 offers a set of profiles
To be able to copy and transport clients we need appropriate authorizations• There are two Types of authorizations
1) General Authorizations for client copy
2) Special Authorizations
Note: This authorization is related with client transports. This authorization object should have the values TYPE=CLCP and ACTVT=01
Q) what default user has all the authorizations?
A) SAP*. This is the reason for locking this user in different environments.
Steps for Client Creation
1) Goto SCC4
2) Select [Change] button
3) Select [New Entry]
Fill the following entries
1) Client No and Description
2) Select the client Role
Protection Level
• 1 is for copying data
• Aim of protection level attribute to present the client from being overwritten intentionally or unintentionally by copying additional client dependent data from another client.
• In DEV protection level is always no restriction
• In PROD No overwriting but external availability is there.
• CATT Stands for Computer Aided Test Tool
• They generate test data that may be helpful for demonstration purpose.
• A client with protection level 1 and 2 cannot function as target client.
• CATT scripts are only used in test systems as well as QAS systems.
• This option provides access for testing of data using various testing tools.
Locked due to a client copy: This option is used while performing client copy, i.e. locking the entire client.
Data in R/3 is of 2 types :-
Client Dependent data:
Example: Customizing, Application and User data
Client Independent data:
Example: ABAP Program, R/3 Repository Objects and Enterprise img
• In table related with client information T000, “mandt” is a field in the table T000 that stores name/number of the client.
• Client present in non-IDES: 000, 001 and 066
• Client present in IDES: 000, 001, 066 and 800 (Totally customized Client)
Note: Option – “No Transport Allowed” deactivates CTS (Change Transport System) in client.
Local Client Copy :-
Copying clients within the same system
1) Execute the transaction Code SCCL at the SAP command line
2) Select a copy profile that matches your requirement. Click on [Choose] button
3) Save the profile value by choosing the button [Save Profile Value]. We use this option if we want to use the selected profile as default settings.
4) Enter the source client
5) Start the copy process. Starting of copy process can be done in 2 ways. Either schedule it as a background job or start immediately. Note: In a live environment we schedule it as a background job only.
• If you the expected output of the copy process is to copy only user data and profiles then we can run it online i.e. [Start Immediately]
• In order to perform a client copy the most critical step in logging into target client and perform the above process.
Copying Clients between Systems
When a Client is copied from one system to another, then data is transferred directly via RFC Interface.
1) Login to target client and go to SCC9
2) Select the copy profile
3) Enter the RFC destination
4) Start the copy process
Note: Transaction Code to create RFC destination is SM59
Transporting Clients between systems
Note: You no longer required transporting clients before you can copy clients between systems. Instead you can make a remote copy. Never the less SAP continues to provide support for transport function.
• During client transport all languages of source system are transported.
• They overwrite the text in the target system. Therefore all text are lost in the target system, whose language exists only in target system but not in source system
1) Log onto source system SCC8
2) Select a copy profile
3) Select a target system client.
Note: Logon to source system in the source client with a user that has transport authorization.
• Data export is performed automatically asynchronously.
• Output of export includes the names of transport requests that are to be imported as
<SID>KO<no> Cross client Data
<SID>KT<no> Client specific Data
<SID>KK<no> Texts and Forms
• Once we are done with export, go to SE01 or SC09 and check for transport request crated.
• Client import post processing is always necessary and must be performed in the target client after import of transport request.
• Goto SCC7 to check the import Queue and verify the request number and export system and click on background job tab or start immediately. Thus the client transport is done.
Note: Client Transport = Client Export + Client import
Log onto target client go to SCC1, give the source client and transport request number and schedule it in the background. This is how local client transport is done.
Post processing activities after client import
Use the following menu for post processing activities.
Tools -> Administration -> Client Admin -> Client Transport -> Post Processing Import
Note: We can use this option to transport customizing changes to the target client, that have been made in the source client after the client copy.
Displaying Client Logs
• Goto SCC3 to check for the logs
• To display the detail log for a run, position your cursor on appropriate run and then select the [Choose] button.
• The system displays the list with the info Copy Type, Profile, Status, User, Tables, where copy problems occurred and statistical info.
• To view further details choose [Details] button.
Restarting Client Copy
• If the process terminates for some technical reasons like database shutdown, you can always restart the process from the point of termination.
• If you start a client copy or a client transport, and the previous process terminated prematurely, the system automatically proposes restart mode with the same parameter settings used for the copy that caused the termination.
• If the restarted process fails, the log displays a special note indicating possible reasons for the error.
Error Handling
Client copies usually involve large volumes of data which places strain on CPU and storage resources of a machine. Depending on data involved and system configuration the most likely errors are given below with corrections.
Client deletion:-
• Deletion of client using an R/3 script in not advised by SAP
Client deletion pre-work:
1) Ensure that there is no backup currently running for the system.
a) Log on to the system at OS level
b) Go to cd /oracle/sid/sapbackup type tail back*, this will display the last l lines of backup log, the last line will display the latest backup. If the written code listed is the backup is still running and you will need to wait till it ends.
2) Ensure that any scheduled backup for the target system is held while archiving is turned off. By default archiving should be on.
3)Turning archive off:
a) First if there are any used currently logged on to the system. AL08, issue a system message that the system will be used in a few moments
I. Go to SM02
II. Select the create option and enter the message into dialog box displayed
III. Set the expiration date and select save button
b) To turnoff archiving first shutdown SAP
I. Sesu- <SID>adm (Status of the system)
II. Type stopsap R3
III.When you receive a message instance stopped, check the system is down or not by typing
ps –ef |grep dw. There should be no entries visible for SID you have just stopped.
IV. Exit from SID adm
V. Type sesu_oracle<SID>
VII. Choose option f- archive mode
VIII. Select option A (toggle database log mode)
IX. Type y to the message instance will be bounced and shutdown immediately”
X. After a few movements reply or type y once again to startup the instance
XI. The archive mode menu should now show that database log mode is off
XIII. Exit from ora<SID> in order to restart SAP ensure that you are in SID adm mode.
XIV. Enter start SAP R#, when message instance started is received check the instance is running or not by typing ps –ef | grep dw and looking for SID that we have just restarted
c) Remove the system message if it is still valid
4) This step will be followed only UNIX OS only. A consequence of shutting down SAP is interrupting of SMTP mail process within UNIX you must manually restart the process
I. In unix type the command sesu_<SID>adm
II. Go to cd /sapmnt/<SID>/exe,
III. Check if the process are still running by issuing a command ps –ef |grep ml, mail server, if there are any process running that particular process ID needs to be stopped
IV. Enter ‘kill <PID> -9
5) Since client-deleting process involves five processes, and important step before starting any process is to check that these are enough batch process available in order to carry out my work.
a) Enter SM50 and check these are at least 5 batch process available (Note: see that equal no of dialog process are also available)
b) If they are not enough batch process available the operation modes will need to be switched.
c) Enter Trans-Code RZ04, double click on current operation mode and increases the batch processor assigned to that operation mode
d) Manually switch the operation modes using RZ03
e) To check if the operation mode successfully changed go to SM50 and count no of batch work process
6) This step is to prepare the user for the deletion process
a) First login to target client for the deletion process
b) Go to SCC5
c) Specify whether you want to delete the client and also select T000 and execute the process at background
NOTE: selecting option T000 will not only delete the client locally but also remove the entire physically from T000 table
Will update soon... Check next post...
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