November 5, 2013


Operation Modes :-
There are two types of operation mode 
1) Day Mode
2) Night Mode

• In real time scenario during day mode, we have maximum number of users logging into SAP system hence, we need maximum number of dialog work process to be set.
• During night mode, maximum number of background work processes is scheduled. Hence we need maximum number of background work processes in the night.
• In order to make these changes we need to setup operation mode

Note: During switching operation modes, neither the instance nor the effected work processes need to be restarted.

Setting up of operation Mode :-
• In the command prompt of SAP execute the Transaction code RZ04
• Create operation mode Day, Night
• Call all active instances of the system
• Select work processes that are needed based on the operation mode and assign to it as default.
• Switching up of operation modes should be set in SM63 (Time Table maintenance)
• Click Save
• Work process allocation is made primarily between dialog and background.
• Work process type = Dialog, Background, Class A, Update, V2 Update, Enque and Spool.
• Class A work process are allocated primarily for background jobs of priority high.

Maintain Operation mode and Instances :-
1) Select [Instance/Operation Modes]
2) Select [create new instance]
3) Enter Hostname, select start profile, and instance profile.
4) Click on [save] button
5) Work process distribution window pop’s up
6) Select type of operation mode and tune the number of work processes and click on [save].
Note: In live environment we will not be required to perform this step regularly, and instead we choose Instance -> Maintain Instance -> Work Process Distribution.
7) Click on [consistency check] Button. Note: Always use consistency check button because operation mode switch will not work if there is any inconsistency.
8) Goto SM63 (Timetable maintenance) and select [Change] button.
9) Choose the following menu Edit  Time Period  15 Minutes. Why only 15 minutes?
10) Select start time and end time and select assign and select operation mode.
11) Repeat these steps for Night mode.
      Go to RZ03 to display server status and Alerts.
Note: This step is selected for manual switch of the operation mode.

Select Server name and Choose Operation mode
    Select the mode and click on Choose
    Go to Control  -> Switch operation Mode  -> All Servers -> Selected Servers -> Simulation

Configuring Online Documentation :-

Online help in SAP is termed as online documentation. This has to be installed and configured in DEV only.
* Transaction code to configure help is SR13

Supported help types in SAP :-
• HTML-Help File
These files are available using a file server and are displayed with the html help weaver. This is a compressed format of help supported by Microsoft. These files have extension of .chm (Compiled HTML format).

• Plain HTML HTTP 
Documents are stored in standard html format. Documents are available using a web server and are displayed with standard web browser.

• Plain HTML File
It is the simplest type of help stored in standard html format. Documents are available using a file server and displayed with standard web browser.

• Dynamic Help
This help is used on all front-end platforms. It uses standard html format, documents are displayed in standard web browser. The files are available using knowledge warehouse server.

Note: The OS file related with help is SAPDOCCD.ini. It is located in the following directories
a) Windows directory
b) Local (or) Central GUI
c) Program Files/sap/front end/SAPgui

SAP Help Portal provides Internet based access to online documentation.

Steps to configure a Help function :-
• At the command field type the Transaction Code SR13
• Click on the Edit Icon
• Choose the [New Entry] option. On click of that enter the following details
Variance {Help Description}
Platform {Operating system. Microsoft/Unix}
Area (Auto Populated field)
Path (Should be the path of help file installation)
Language (should be English)
Default check box.
If the default check box is selected i.e. it is set as default, it is considered as the only help available whenever you login.

Will update soon... Check next post...

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