October 20, 2013


SAP Landscape (3 system landscape)

How SAP systems are arranged

Basis guy can accesses Development, Quality and Production boxes.

 -  Each box will have a system ID i.e. (SID NO)
 -  In Production box we have only one client (No changes are allowed in production box)
 -  In Development box we have three clients
 -  In Quality we have two clients
 -  All the changes are done in only in Development box
 -  Only testing is done in Quality box
 -  Changes done in Development box should be moved to quality box and get tested and finally it is transformed to production box.
 -  End user have accesses to only production box and very few end users will have accesses to separate training box.

 -  SAND box is used only for R&D purpose. Whatever changes you do in SAND box will not be          transported out of the box i.e. the changes are stored under $TEMP (local server only).
 -  Training box is used by end users for training purpose.
 -  Both SAND and Training box will have the exactly the data as production box.

Development Box
    -    MAST
    -    CUST
    -    SAND
  000 001 066 – Clients
  000 to 999 client number names

Type of Changes in Development box
                 In SAP there are only two types of changes.             
                               Workbench change: T.C. is SE09               
                               Customizing Change: T.C. is SE10

Workbench Change: changes made to the default values provided by the SAP in the tables is called workbench change.
Customizing Change: is a change which a totally new change in a system.ex. creating a new program or modifying structure of a program.

Transaction code SE01 = SE09 + SE10

  -    What ever workbench changes are transported using the transport layer ‘SAP’
  -    Customizing transport layer Z<SID>
  -    Anything starting with Z in SAP it’s a customizing change.
  -    In SAP there will be always one export and ‘N’ number of inputs.
        Ratio of export to imports is E:I; 1:N
  -    In three system landscape one export and two imports.
  -    Data moved out of development box is called as export
  -    Data pulled into quality and production box is called as import.
  -    The process is called as transportation

CTD:  is a physical location which has to be configured at the time of installation.
   -    CTD in most cases is configured in development box.
   -    Client number and user name will be same in all boxes

MAST Client                     000                       001                     066   
                                   Master Client        Backup Client         Early watch

                                     Client                User ID                   Password
                                      000                  sap*                        06071992
                                      001                  ddic                        19920706
                                      066                  early watch             surpass/support

These all are SAP client user ID, Client and Password.

-    6th July 1992 when SAP moved from two Tier architecture to three Tier architecture.
-    R/2 is Mainframe
-    R/3 SAP

- Basis guys will have accesses to DDIC only.
- Initally all newly created client use dummy i.e. it will not have any data.
- We have to do a client copy in order to populate the data in the newly created client. This process is called as client copy.
- In order to login into a newly created client should use user ID sap* password is pass.
- ddic is also called as god like user.
- Early watch is a user ID is used by SAP AG people for trouble shoots (ISDN line and router configuration  is require for early watch).

3 Tier + 3 system landscape (SAP-model)

Multi System Landscape

 Will update soon... Check next post...

October 19, 2013


SAP  R/3

SAP (Systems Application and Programs, Real time)
SAP is 3 Tier Architecture
SAP Standard version starts with   3.0, 4.6B, 4.7EE,  NW.04 (came in 2004), NW.04S,  ECC5, ECC6

SAP – Industries (Business Related Industry)
SAP – Applications (Collaborative for Cross Application)
MySap Business Suit OR  MySAP.com: has been introduced for small and medium industries
SAP Netweaver – Using Internet
SAP Netweaver is a combination of My SAP Business Suit and Sap Applications
MySapBS+SAP application

Steps to Install SAP
•   Operating System (OS)
•   Database (DB)
•   SAP
First we have to install OS , DB then SAP.
Java introduced in 4.7EE Versions. Real Java came in NW04 Version
•   DB2

ABAP – Programming language designed by SAP
(ABAP+J2EE) - included in NW04

Components - NW.04
•   WAS-Web Application Server(ABAP+J2EE)
•   EP- Enterprise Portal
•   XI-exchange Infrastructure
•   MDM
•   Acrobat Reader

ECC5 and ECC6+Solution Manager
ECC5   ECC6 CRM  SRM  NW (are Web Application Server)     
XI- Exchange Rate
MDM - Master Data Management (Manages Data)
SAP will consist:
Developers (ABAP) + Functional Consultants + Basis

BASIS is a Mediator for Database Administrator + Security

SAP Software Life Cycle
Ramp-up Phase   (SERVICE.SAP.COM)

   - What is Total Life Cycle
   - What are the new Sap Products in the market
   - PAM (Product Availability Matrix)

Software Maintenance two keys
- List of SAP packages
- Software Release New SAP S/W release

SAP Maintenance Strategy & Planning
5-1-2(Formula) (Total 8 Years)
5 years of standard maintenance
1 year of extended maintenance + with a free of 2% of standard maintenance
2 years of extended maintenance + 4% Standard maintenance

3 types of GUI in SAP
Windows Based GUI - SAP GUI for Windows

SAP Login
   - Client:
   - User Name:
   - Password:
Two Types of Menus in SAP
1. Standard Menu(SAP Menu)
2. Roll Based Menu

Each User will get roll based menu
USER_SSM: is a table where all the menu’s related information is stored. (whether it is roll based or standard based)
SMEM_BUFFC – is a table where favorite information is stored
SMEN_BUFFI – is a table where favorite information is stored

Downloading from SAP to desktop as well as Uploading desktop to SAP stepes are:
             ->Local file

Shortcut Commands
/n – Takes to new session in session
/o – New window in new session
/nend – Logging of current session
/nex – To close entire system (without saving)
/I – unsaved session logout

Help – SAP
In SAP there are two types of helps
F1 – Technical Help
F4 – It provides possible entries for a particular field. (Maximum 500 entries are allowed in F4)

Filtering Data in SAP
SE16 – Is the Transaction Code to view the contents of the particular table.     
Two Types of GUI in SAP
   -    SAPgui.exe
   -    SAPlogin.exe
Button on GUI
   -    Group
   -    Server
   -    New item
   -    Delete
   -    Change
   -    Login
   -    Validation
   -    Change item
SAP log: Start SAP logon file.
Every System will have a port number 32 with (00-99)
3298 – nipping
3299 – SAP router

SAP Architecture:
         Three types of Architecture
            -    Single Tier -> Presentation Layer
            -    Two Tier -> Application Layer
            -    Three Tier -> DB Layer

If P, A, and DB are in one box, it is called Single Tier architecture.
If P and A are in one box and DB in other box, it is called Two Tier architecture.
If P in one box and A in another box and DB in another box is called Three Tier architecture.

Presentation Layer:- Front End
Application Layer:- Real calculations and Computing
Database:- Database been stored

 Will update soon... Check next post...

SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Dual Stack Refresh Procedure -8

SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Dual Stack Refresh Procedure -Part 8

 8.4 Reinstall Application Server

8.4.1 Uninstall Existing Dialog Instance 


 Back up the profiles of the existing instance.

Start sapinst (as root)

export DISPLAY=<IP address>:0.0

export SAPINST_JRE_HOME=/usr/lib64/jvm/java

cd /qbi2install/master/IM_LINUX_X86_64


 Remove the instance, but keep the OS users on the system.

 Uncheck the box for “Uninstall database (or parts of the database)” since we will be reinstalling later.

 8.4.2  Install Dialog Instance

Create symlinks in /sapmnt/SB1 for exe, profile, and global

ln -s /sb13/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64 exe
ln -s /sb13/profile
ln -s /sb13/global

Start sapinst (as root)

export DISPLAY=<IP address>:0.0

export SAPINST_JRE_HOME=/usr/lib64/jvm/java

cd /qbi2install/master/IM_LINUX_X86_64


 Choose the Custom option to customize the options before running the install.

 If this error appears, LDAP is not fully disabled.

Click Cancel. The saplocales package will have to be dealt with at a separate time if this message is still appearing.

Consider which of the items above should be selected, depending on where the kernel is coming from, the patch level, and if the link is set up properly as recommended at the beginning of the install above.

Error /db2/db2qbi/sqllib exists. Move to backup and retry.

Catalog database error. Shouldn’t need to run that. Hack keydb.xml and restart.

 Update the kernel.

Start instance.

 8.5 Close the system

Remove any transports that were created during the refresh. These cannot move to another system!

Update SCC4 appropriately again once all tasks are completed. Turn the system over to the GCOE.



SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Dual Stack Refresh Procedure -7

SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Dual Stack Refresh Procedure -Part 7

8.3.2  Java Stack

Remove any Wily configuration lines from the server node(s) via the configtool before working with the Java stack. Most likely, the Java stack will not start initially until the Wily configuration is removed anyway.

Run JSPM and ensure all packages are up to date

 Ensure all packages are up to the proper level. Apply any updates that are available. These were most likely missed while the system was outside of the production support path.

Apply any JSPM updates first, and restart JSPM before applying any further missing packages.

Following any JSPM updates, apply any kernel updates separately from any other packages.

Check the Key Storage service in the Visual Administrator. The entries should reflect the ABAP stack, and any other systems needing connections.

In most cases, the SAPLogonTicketKeypair certificate will need to be recreated. Use the DSA algorithm and change the expiration date to somewhere around 2037. Import the certificates if they have been previously exported. The private key will have a previous page extension.


Check the Security Provider service in the Visual Administrator. From the Runtime tab, select the Policy Configurations tab, and the Authentication tab. Entries for the “ticket” and “evaluate_assertion_ticket” may need to be updated following the refresh.

 Update the SLD configuration in the Visual Admin tool through the SLD Data Supplier service.

Update the settings under the JCo RFC Provider service in Visual Administrator.

 Update the settings for the FP_ICF_DATA* web services in the Destinations service in Visual Administrator

Verify the Licensing Adapter has the correct license installed. This is required for some functionality within Solution Manager, and the correct information must be reported to the various SLD systems as well as Solution Manager.

Double check the Java parameters via configtool

For BI system – check BI Diagnostics and Support Desk Tool (Note 937697) for Java validation

During the SBI refresh, there was an issue where the BI Master system was not recognized. This appeared as an issue with the SBICLNT100 system object, however it turns out was an error in the UME configuration.

 From System Administration --> System Configuration, select UME Configuration and review all of the tabs. The error with SBI was on the User Mapping tab. Once this was modified to read SBICLNT100 instead of DB1CLNT100, the BI support desk tool was happy with the BI master system once again.

From the ABAP side, run the program RSPOR_SETUP from SE38. This will validate the portal configuration from the ABAP to the Java side.

If the BI support desk tool reports errors with the Webdynpro JCO destinations, log in to the Web Dynpro maintenance and open the Content Administrator

 Create or Maintain the connections as necessary.

Remove the Source System related System Objects in the same tree from the System Components that will be imported based on the export taken during the preparation steps. Be sure not to delete any of the portal content other than the system objects that establish connection to the other systems.

Import the exported system configuration including the system objects.

The EPA file exported during the presteps is in the /sapmnt/<SID>/global/pcd/Export directory. This file needs to be in /sapmnt/<SID>/global/pcd/Import. Once copied there, log in to the portal as J2EE_ADMIN and navigate to System Administration --> Transport --> Import

From the portal, log in as J2EE_ADMIN and navigate to System Administration --> System Configuration. In the System Landscape, expand the tree as shown in the screen capture below.

 Update the system object entries by changing any reference to the source system or source system connections to the target system or target system connections.

Update passwords in the Basis password store as appropriate depending on the user master data restored to the system being refreshed.

Redeploy SMD/Wily as necessary.

 Will update soon... Check next post...