October 19, 2013

SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Dual Stack Refresh Procedure -8

SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Dual Stack Refresh Procedure -Part 8

 8.4 Reinstall Application Server

8.4.1 Uninstall Existing Dialog Instance 


 Back up the profiles of the existing instance.

Start sapinst (as root)

export DISPLAY=<IP address>:0.0

export SAPINST_JRE_HOME=/usr/lib64/jvm/java

cd /qbi2install/master/IM_LINUX_X86_64


 Remove the instance, but keep the OS users on the system.

 Uncheck the box for “Uninstall database (or parts of the database)” since we will be reinstalling later.

 8.4.2  Install Dialog Instance

Create symlinks in /sapmnt/SB1 for exe, profile, and global

ln -s /sb13/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64 exe
ln -s /sb13/profile
ln -s /sb13/global

Start sapinst (as root)

export DISPLAY=<IP address>:0.0

export SAPINST_JRE_HOME=/usr/lib64/jvm/java

cd /qbi2install/master/IM_LINUX_X86_64


 Choose the Custom option to customize the options before running the install.

 If this error appears, LDAP is not fully disabled.

Click Cancel. The saplocales package will have to be dealt with at a separate time if this message is still appearing.

Consider which of the items above should be selected, depending on where the kernel is coming from, the patch level, and if the link is set up properly as recommended at the beginning of the install above.

Error /db2/db2qbi/sqllib exists. Move to backup and retry.

Catalog database error. Shouldn’t need to run that. Hack keydb.xml and restart.

 Update the kernel.

Start instance.

 8.5 Close the system

Remove any transports that were created during the refresh. These cannot move to another system!

Update SCC4 appropriately again once all tasks are completed. Turn the system over to the GCOE.



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