May 29, 2016



Q) How to get ticket from end user ? Which ticketing tool you are using ?

Generally tickets are raised by the end users or clients.
Each organization having a separate tool box for the purpose of tickets and then the team leader allot the tickets to corresponding person through mail.
Ticketing Tools: HP open view, remedy, mail (Microsoft Outlook), Lotus Notes, Magic
HPSD- HP service Desk. First Users send mails to 1st level support stating their issue; they then create service call and assign them to respective Team. Unique no is provided which is call service call no and it's used as reference no in future.

Q) What is difference between ECC 4.7, ECC 5 and ECC 6 from SAP Security point of view ?

SAP ECC 4.7 is an ABAP based system, here we can see only about R/3 security.
SAP ECC5.0 and SAP ECC6.0 included both ABAP + JAVA stacks, means enterprise portal also included, here we can have both R/3 security for ABAP stack and JAVA stack security which includes in portal concept (Enterprise Portal Security).
SAP GRC which is a security tool can be implemented only to ECC 5.0 and ECC 6.0 but not to the ECC 4.7.

Q) What is Role Matrix ?

Role Matrix is nothing but a column we can maintain t-codes
            z_singlerole   z_dervir
PFCG                    x  
SU01                                         x
VA01                     x
VK11                                        x
       See based on business process approvers we can assign T-codes to a particular roles.

Q) What are the steps to create a user in SAP ?

Following are the steps to create user in SAP:

1. Logon to the SAP system and execute transaction code SU01. (Path to SU01 via user menu : Tools -> Administration -> User Maintenance -> Users
2. Give a username in “User” field and click create. In the next screen, there are various tabs like Address, Defaults, Parameters, Roles, Profiles etc.
3. In the “Address” tab, fill the necessary fields (Last Name is mandatory)
4. In the “Logon data” tab, select the “User Type” and fill “Initial Password” (Initial Password is mandatory in all cases except if the “User Type” selected is “Reference”.
5. Similarly fill other information in rest of the tabs viz. “Defaults”, “Parameters”, “Systems”, “Roles”, “Profiles” etc.
6. Now click on Save. User is created.

Q) What are different types of users in SAP System ?

Different user types are:
(1) Dialog
(2) Service
(3) System
(4) Communication
(5) Reference

Q) What mandatory fields need to be filled while creating a user in SAP ?

Last name is mandatory for creating any user type. Initial password needs to be given for all user types except “Reference users“.

Q) Which table contains the list of developers (development users) including registered Developer access keys ?

DEVACCESS table contains the list of developers and their developer access keys.

Q) What does table TSTCP contain ?

Table TSTCP contains information related to transactions which are parameterized transactions for a tables or views.

Q) How can we Schedule and administrating Background jobs ?

Scheduling and administrating of background jobs can be done by using T-codes SM36 and SM37

Q) I have deleted single role from composite role now I want to find out the changes in composite role without using SUIM. Is there any other possibility to get ?

 Yes, it is possible from role screen itself.
Go to menu tab
Go to utilities--->change documents .you can see from Agr_AGrs table

Q) How many authorizations fit into a profile ?

A maximum of 150 authorizations fit into a profile. If the number of authorizations exceeds this value, the profile generator automatically creates one more profile for the role.

Q) How many profiles can be assigned to any user master record ? 

Maximum number of profiles that can be assigned to any user master record is 312. Table USR04 contains the profiles assigned to users. The field PROFS in USR04 table is used for saving the change flag and the name of the profiles assigned to the user. The change flags are – C which means “User was created” and M which means “User was changed”. The field PROFS is defined with a length of 3750 characters. Since the first two characters are intended for the change flag, 3748 characters remain for the list of the profile names per user. Because of the maximum length of 12 characters per profile name, this results in a maximum number of 312 profiles per user.

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